Synapse Study

From around 2000-2007 I had only used the anatomical heart and it’s physiology (and still do) to represent a sense of being alive. I had been exploring the separation of a mental and physical self or self perception vs. others perception through writing and collage. This led me to do research on what parts of the brain that process memory and emotion - the amygdala and hippocampus located in the central part of the brain in front of the cerebellum. In the meantime, my grandmother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s (which runs in the family) and this led me down a rabbit hole in the next phase of my physiology research starting with the lightboxes and equations below.

Synapse Study, 2008

Transparency, LEDs, String with wood boxes.

A New Experience, 2008

Transparency, LEDs, String with wood box.
Paper mounted on wood.

I search for conclusions in the unknown - a calm within the chaos.

The Over-analyzation Of An Experience


Existential Robots